Tailor Made Solutions

Tailor Made Solutions

We start by listening.

And we always respond, aware of your timing, budgets, and business needs.

With SKE, create tailor made solutions that:

Manage and present your organization’s data and information resources.

Automate and improve processes to remove manual and time-intensive tasks.

Have dedicated technical support and maintenance.

Provide predictable costs.

Project Management

SKE has extensive experience implementing GIS, business solutions, and spatial data infrastructure initiatives. Our practical approach focuses on understanding the business drivers and providing the right information technologies to facilitate project goals.

Organizations choose to work with SKE because of our practical, real-world knowledge and understanding. 

We ensure delivery because we get the fundamentals right:

Understanding the client needs.

Assembling a project team with skills/ experience to ensure success.

Ongoing and relevant communications.


No surprises. Managing scope, budget, and timing collaboratively.

Some of our major solutions and projects include:

Hydro One


The Real Estate Management System (REMS) is a decision support system for managing Hydro One’s property rights throughout the province-wide transmission corridors. It integrates business data, documents, and maps in SKE’s cloud-based SC2-GeoPortal service empowering users to maintain and access their “single source of the real estate truth” making it one of Hydro’s top success stories in 2023.

Unregistered Easement Inquiries System

Hydro One is responsible for managing over 360,000 unregistered easements that have been acquired in Hydro One’s interest. The existing system was replaced with SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal service. The new solution allows Hydro One staff and the public to perform accurate searches by address or keyword, view associated mapping, and use powerful reporting tools to analyze and accurately report on the data. The solution directly supports HONI’s legal responsibility to manage and make this important dataset accessible.

Infrastructure Ontario

Ontario GeoPortal

IO is the realty service provider for the Province of Ontario, and in 2004 partnered with SKE to implement their corporate GIS. The on-premise solution provided management and staff with ability to visualize IO’s large real estate portfolio that spans the entire province. It quickly grew to encompass all of IO’s business data becoming the “single source of the truth” for all real estate content. In 2010 the solution was out-sourced and moved to SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal cloud service. The solution has since grown to deliver numerous business solutions that continue to support IO and its government clients and partners in delivering services to the Province of Ontario.

Customer Portal

In partnership with IO, each government ministry manages their facilities performing various realty functions including lease and space management. Customer Portal leverages IO’s property and facility data and enables partner ministries and agencies to use this content thus creating a “common operating picture”. The result: a hosted enterprise facilities management solution with no additional staff, at minimal cost, used by IO and their client ministries and agencies.

Service Tracking System

IO uses the Service Tracking System (STS) for IO’s professional services delivery. The solution enables all of IO’s technical, legal, and business services to be tracked, assigned, and managed as part of a powerful workflow solution that leverages the SC2-GeoPortal service.

Provincial Real Estate Inventory

The Provincial Real Estate Inventory is a comprehensive database of all Province of Ontario real property (buildings and lands) that are owned or leased by the entire public sector (ministries and agencies). The Inventory is published through SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal service and is made available to the entire government. Its also available to the public to report on as part of the government’s open-door policy.

Realty Circulation Portal System

IO uses the Realty Circulation Portal (RCP) System for circulating no-longer needed realty assets across different levels of the public sector, prior to disposal consideration. RCP is a tailor-made workflow solution that leverages SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal service to support the government policies and directives on real estate management.

Canada Geoportal

The Federal government has leveraged the SC2-GeoPortal information service for over ten years enabling users, clients, and service providers to manage and share real property content for various business needs, including radioactive contaminant clean-up; laboratory rationalization, property management, and engineering. The solutions integrate with the Directory of Federal Real Property and many other sources of data.

Other initiatives have included:

  • FLIG (Federal Laboratory Inventory Group) GeoPortal. The solution brings together nine federal government departments to manage and share information associated with scientific laboratories across the country, and to look for rationalization opportunities.
  • PHAI (Port Hope Area Initiative) Collaboration Portal. A large implementation of GeoPortal that provided access to core business applications and information associated with the management of a $1Billion project tasked with rehabilitating land in Port Hope, Ontario contaminated with low level radiation contaminants.  The Portal allowed three different Federal Government departments and agencies (NRCan, PWGSC and NCL), and hundreds of contractors to securely collect, manage and share project information.
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

Map Staking Requirements Analysis

SKE assisted Ontario's MNDM in adopting an online map staking process for mineral claim staking reform. SKE’s recommendations were based on extensive research and consultations, and provided the technical means and support for a policy of electronic land claim registry and staking. The ministry has since implemented a full online mineral land staking solution, which relies on SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal to provide access to the province's land tenure data in order to verify title and land rights.


SKE was chosen by MNDM to build CLAIMaps II – a secure and integrated solution for mapping and publishing their claims information. SKE automated Ontario’s mineral claim maps, including the conversion of over 4000 hard copy claim maps and the creation of a seamless geographic database for the whole province. SKE also implemented a fully interactive map-based management, search, retrieval and ordering system for publishing the mineral claims information for broad access by the public and the mining community.

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs – Aboriginal Consultation Information System (ACIS)

ACIS was an enterprise-wide system built on SKE’s SC2-GeoPortal service enabling Ontario government legal services, policy, and operational groups to manage and publish all their aboriginal content, including baseline treaty, assertion and consultation details. It provided the “single-source of the truth” for all aboriginal-related content.  The service won several awards, including the Innovation Fund Recipient, Canadian Project Excellence Recipient, Public Sector Quality Fair, and Ontario Showcase Awards. Over 500 staff across the public service used ACIS on a daily basis.

Product Spotlight

GeoEditor is a recent addition to the core SC2-GeoPortal toolkit, providing specialized map feature creation, editing, and maintenance capabilities. It can be integrated into any organization’s workflow enabling integrated transactional data management that brings together mapping data with business tabular data, with documents. This enables a seamless and real time data management process that can be performed by the data owners without the need for specialized GIS technical staff and technologies.

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