Virtual Geomatics

Available to any GeoPortal client...

Spatial Data Hosting

Use our high availability, secure hosted service to host your data with us. Spatial data management can become a nightmare because of the size and complexity. We take care of that for you, ensuring everything is safe, backed-up, and always available.

Access is immediate and reliable. Connect from your desktop GIS through a VPN connection - and see no loss of performance.. For many users, the response is even faster than when data are on their own machines or on their network.

Fully Virtualized ArcGIS Environment

Take it to the next step and save a substantial amount on hardware infrastructure with a fully virtualized environment in which your desktop GIS is hosted as well! Take advantage of fast access and the unrivalled geoprocessing speed of our servers. Login from anywhere, and don't worry about the power of your workstations. Even in our fully virtualized environment, you can use your local plotters / printers.

Learn more about our hosting services and environment.